Leo Headshot

LGBTQIA+ Wellness Coordinator



Hey hey!! My name’s Leo (he/they) and I’m your LGBTQIA+ Wellness Coordinator here on campus :) My work focuses on creating inclusive spaces and events for queer students on campus, with an emphasis on mental health. I’ll often collaborate with organizations both on and off campus, and am always looking for ways to expand my horizon when it comes to accessibility, intersectionality and catering to my community. As someone who carries many labels, I know the importance of representation which is why I am so passionate about students having spaces where they feel like they belong. Outside of work, I’m in my last year of studying neuroscience! In my free time I love to cook and experiment with recipes, listen to 80’s music and neo-soul, draw, write music. I spend lots and lots of time outside appreciating nature, and love taking pictures of nature on my digital camera! I look forward to meeting you all, don’t be shy!