Mikayla Headshot

Outreach Coordinator



Hi y’all! My name is Mikayla (she/her) and I’m super excited to return as this year’s Outreach Coordinator! I’m a 4th year Writing and Lit major with a minor in Theater Production and Design, and I’ve been involved with the RCSGD since my freshman year when I joined as a volunteer. I’ve worked in various forms of activism since high school and have always been inspired by the power of communities working together to create incredible change. As always, my main focus is creating large and small scale events that help students feel supported, empowered, safe, and engaged with their campus community! I’m continuing my work getting our student orgs back up and running (if you’re interested in starting a club, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!) and I'm thrilled to be supporting more sapphic spaces on campus this year as well. Aside from work, I’m a huge fantasy and mythology nerd, and I’m always on the lookout for queer fairytale/folktale retellings! I also love DnD and would love to hear about your characters and campaigns!